If you are working on a baby registry list or shopping for your littles, here is a round up of items we use the most for our kids! Both Lake and Kate sleep in the Kyte baby sleeping bags every night and I love their soft zip up onesies for baby. I also included the bottles, high chair, stroller and car seats we use. This Baby bjorn bouncy chair really came in handy when we had two under 2 and I needed to set Kate upright after feedings to tend to Lake. I remember going to the baby stores when I was pregnant with my first and feeling so overwhelmed by all of the items and options, but I promise as soon as you have your baby / babies you will feel confident and know what you need. If you are looking for help with a schedule, I found the Moms on Call book to be a really helpful resource. These are items that have worked well for us and I hope this list is useful if you want some guidance in the baby / toddler department! 🙂
On the go:
Age 10 months+ Nuna rava car seat
Forward facing travel / carry on Pico car seat + backpack holder
Thule single jogging / walking stroller + cupholder
Thule double stroller with newborn bassinet + cupholder
Around the home:
Baby bjorn bouncy chair + toy bar
Check here for more newborn items, my hospital packing list and baby favorites for the first year.
Baby registry list: