The morning of October 19th I saw PREGNANT pop up on a pregnancy test. It was the best feeling in the world. I showed Luke and we were both filled with excitement and shock! (In the best way!) We did not know how long it would take to get pregnant. We are so grateful to be expecting our baby blessing this Summer!

It was a rocky start. At our first ultrasound, there was no heartbeat. They told us to come back in two weeks. Before our next appointment, I started spotting. The next morning I had more blood work done and had another ultrasound. During the sonogram, they told me they were sorry, but there was still no heartbeat. We thought we had miscarried. My OB noticed that my Progesterone levels had dropped and put me on Progesterone and told us to come back again in 4 days. It was the most difficult 4 days, but we prayed and stayed strong in our faith. We knew God had a plan. By that Friday, we were shocked to see that we had movement and were able to hear the heartbeat! It was the happiest moment.. such a miracle! 🙂

Going through the scare in the beginning made us stronger in our faith and more grateful than ever. We have had 6 sonograms so far and since then we have had 4 with a strong heartbeat and movement!
My OB asked me to stop running and to take it easy. I have just been doing short walks and yoga for workouts.
The very first signs that I was pregnant were: my boobs were really sore, I was extremely tired and all of a sudden my favorite foods and coffee sounded really gross! I took the pregnancy test 1 day after my missed period, so we found out really early at 4 weeks. Since then I have had both food aversions and cravings. (Chips, bread, cranberry juice, citrus fruit, pb, vegetable stir fry, vanilla lattes and anything chocolate.) Through the first trimester I have been REALLY nauseous and have had a lot of anxiety. I also cry a lot lol.
I am so grateful for this growing babe and know that it will all be worth it!