Here is our hospital bag checklist in case you are expecting!

Hospital bag checklist:
- Makeup and toiletry bag (I loved having Goe oil, Vintner’s daughter, Aquaphor)
- Slippers
- Sandals
- Snacks for you and husband
- Thank you gifts for nurses + doctor (we did candles with a thank you note on the box)
- Clothes and essentials for husband
- Clothes for baby to come home in
- Swaddle blanket
- Soft baby blanket
- Phone chargers
- ID and Insurance card
- Dress and shoes for coming home
The hospital provided everything needed for the baby and for me postpartum. Once home, I used Tucks, Frida healing foam (store Tucks and foam in the fridge for extra cooling), Always pads and these postpartum underwear.
A few final hospital checklist items: Folder for documents, ID, insurance card, outfit for baby, clothes for husband, thank you gifts for nurses, the car seat and a cute outfit to come home in – remember you will still have a big belly so something loose and comfortable! I did a caftan and sandals for Summer baby and a loose sweater dress for my Spring baby. It was nice to get dressed up to come home!

Not necessities, but a few pieces from home are really nice and comforting. I love sleeping with the soft barefoot dreams blankets! I also packed slippers to walk around in, my favorite robe, pillows and our own towels.

Eberjey pajamas are my absolute favorite – I packed three sets including the dress version and the robe.

I packed our favorite snack bars, pretzels and crackers for both Luke and I, gum, my everyday makeup and toiletries, an instant camera (just for fun) and extra phone chargers. I have my favorite beauty and self care items plus shower caps, hand sanitizer, face wipes and hair brush included in my toiletry bag.