Our 5 Month+ Schedule

A schedule definitely makes both of our lives easier. Lake knows what to expect and I can plan my day accordingly. ๐Ÿ™‚ The schedule we follow is very similar to the Moms on Call book. I have found this book very helpful and learned so much as a new mom! Prior to 5 months old we followed this 8 week+ schedule and at 5 months we added food (according to what our pediatrician recommended.) The guidance MOC gives has worked really well for us! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here is our 5 month baby schedule:

mom outfits

OUR 5 Month baby SCHEDULE:

7 – 8 AM (Whenever she wakes up) Bottle then walk outside

9 AM Breakfast then play

10 AM Nap 1 hour (During this time I try to get in a workout and shower / get ready for the day.)

11 AM Bottle then play

12 PM Lunch

1 PM Nap 2 (During this time I work on computer.)

3 PM Bottle

3:30 PM Play time 

5 PMย Cat nap if needed – We dropped this nap around 8 months

5:30 PM Jolly jumper

6 PM Dinner

6:30 PM Bath time

7 PM Bottle then books

7:30 PM Say prayers, sleep in crib for the night

10 PM News then bed time for mama

white tee - 5 month baby schedule


Our 8 week+ schedule

List of our baby favorites

Delivery Q+A

Hospital bag packing list