We recently dropped Lake down to one nap in the afternoon! While it is nice have the mornings to get out, it took about a week for both us to get used to her not taking a morning nap lol. If you are in the same boat I thought I would share our current schedule. Keep scrolling for our newest schedule and a list of our favorite toys and play items! When Lake grew out of the Doona we switched to the Nuna Rava car seat. Also, here is our 8 week schedule and our 5 month+ schedule if you are interested in those as well! I used Mom’s on Call to make her schedules.

Our 15 month schedule:
6:30 / 7 AM Wake up then walk outside 🙂
8 AM Breakfast then get out for school, play time or errands
12 PM Lunch
12:30 Long nap
3/ 3:30 PM Snack
6 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Bath
7/ 7:30 PM Say prayers then go to sleep in sleep sack in crib for the night! 🙂
While Lake and I both do well with a schedule, I am not completely crazy about it. Sometimes if we are out for dinner and bed time doesn’t happen until 8:30 it is not a huge deal. (She still wakes up on her own at 6:30/ 7) Sometimes life or travel get in the way of our schedule. I just try to follow it as much as possible when we can to have structure at home and so that we all know what to expect. 😉
Here are some of Lake’s current favorite toys and play items!
3. Bath Toys
2. Leapfrong picnic basket toy
5. Splash pad
6. Play mat
8. Ball pit
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