Marathon Training Schedule

Marathon training starts this week!!  I’ve done 3 Half Marathons, but working my way up to running 26.2 miles is going to take some serious dedication.  I feel ready to take on a new challenge and can’t wait to share – hope my process encourages you to start a healthy routine or even to sign up for a race!

Krystal Schlegel


A few notes about Marathon Training:

1. I’m following the 18 week novice 1 Marathon plan by Hal Higdon.

2. On Mondays I’m lifting weights with a personal trainer and on most Fridays I’m doing reformer Pilates. Sunday I will rest or I’ll cross train.

3. Right now I’m alternating running shoes between these Asics and these Hokas.

4. I love running with my apple watch, these wireless headphones and put my phone and energy chews in this lightweight belt pack.

5. I’m signed up for the BMW Dallas Marathon in December.

6. Here is my current playlist.

Looking forward to sharing the training with ya’ll over the next few Months!

More posts on running:

1. BMW Dallas Half Marathon Recap.

2. Tips for new runners.

3. Austin Recap and 13 things to know before running a Half Marathon.

4. How I use my Apple Watch for Fitness.

5. Three books for runners.

6. Half Marathon program.

Marathon Training Schedule:

18 week marathon training program by hal higdon

I found this 18 week novice 1 Marathon plan by Hal Higdon and entered it into a spreadsheet so that I could write down my times.  I also write in my other workouts on the non run days.  I’m starting the program two weeks early because I have two week long trips in the Fall and don’t want to do long runs while I’m there.  You can print out this sheet if you want to use it as well!

marathon training schedule

Nordstrom sale workout clothes

blonde hair color


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