I am for sure a morning person – that is when I have the most enthusiasm and energy! I really look forward to a new day and waking up to a fresh start with coffee. Having my healthy morning routine helps me feel productive and energized for the day!

Nordstrom sweatshirt // Nordstrom joggers // Juliska mug
Not every day is perfect, but here is the healthy morning routine that I always try to follow.
My healthy morning routine!
First things first, coffee. I literally can’t do anything without it! I like to start he day with a quick walk to Starbucks or by making coffee at home.
Make the bed
Making the bed makes me feel productive and like I already got something done – plus it always feels better to crawl in to a made bed at night.
Change into workout clothes
The next thing I always try to do is get out of my pajamas and change into my workout clothes to get going!
Catch up & check calendar
Catch up on e-mails / social media and check calendar for the day.
Be positive
I’m not always in a good mood, but I do try to have a positive outlook! Thinking “I get to go run” or “I’m thankful for my job, health and family” are great ways to show gratitude and snap out of a bad mood. Being positive first thing in the morning can help set you up for a better day.
Be active
I work out to feel good! It is my therapy session and I have more energy throughout the day if I start by being active. My favorite ways to be active are running, walking, lifting weights or Peloton classes. Getting my activity in first thing also helps make sure I don’t cancel as other things come up later in the day.
Have a healthy breakfast
I HAVE to have breakfast. I like to eat right before or after my workout a few hours after waking up and having coffee! This is when I get hungry. A few of my go-tos are a green smoothie, a Perfect Bar or eggs with fruit and avocado. Eating a protein filled healthy breakfast helps set you up for a more productive day!

I love a good loungewear set! This matching sweatshirt and jogger outfit from Nordstrom is super soft – perfect to sleep in, wear around the house and for travel!

Wearing a size small in both the sweatshirt and joggers. For reference, I would say they run oversized!

These pretty Juliska coffee mugs are a gift from our wedding registry! One side says Love in cursive and the other has a heart – so cute!