Finds under $100 | Krystal Schlegel

Finds under $100

The clear pouch that is all over Instagram and…

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Why I only wear neutrals | Krystal Schlegel

Why I only wear neutrals

10 Reasons for an all neutral closet..

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Tips for Finding workout motivation | Krystal Schlegel

Tips for Finding workout motivation

With the sunny Spring weather upon us, it is the perfect time to get outside for a run or walk!  A few things that...

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Wedding Planning Update | Krystal Schlegel

Wedding Planning Update

The most requested blog post lately has been for a wedding planning update so I wanted to share a few of the details we...

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Finds under $100 | Krystal Schlegel

Finds under $100

Something I hadn’t ordered new in years, a body blur tan lotion that gives the prettiest glow and more finds under $100!

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Quality basics to invest in for Spring | Krystal Schlegel

Quality basics to invest in for Spring

A few quality basics that are worth investing in for Spring..


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