I am currently in my second trimester and am happy to say we are having a girl! When I found out I was pregnant I really loved reading first trimester Q&A blog posts, so thought it would be fun to answer yours for those of you who are also expecting or have questions about pregnancy!

First Trimester Q&A
What were your very first signs of pregnancy? The week before I took a test I had a ton of food aversions, my boobs were killing me and I was exhausted. About a week later I was extremely nauseous every day. During that time I felt really grateful to work from home and also to be having symptoms because that is a good sign!
Were you trying for a baby? Yes! We did not stress about it, but we didn’t prevent it.
How are you feeling now? I definitely have more energy in the second trimester, but still get nauseous in the afternoons! Other than that I am grateful, a little emotional 😉 and very excited to meet our babe!
Have you had any cravings? In the very beginning I had a lot of food aversions and all I wanted to eat was pasta, cereal, chips and bread. I couldn’t stand coffee or any of my favorite foods. As soon as week 12 hit, I had my appetite back and wanted coffee again. I have been craving peanut butter, smoothies, citrus fruit, dark chocolate, GF pasta, brussels sprouts and cranberry juice! I’m trying to eat healthy for our little babe!
Are you drinking coffee? In the first trimester the thought of coffee made me nauseous, but once I got my appetite back I craved it again. My OB said up to 200 mg of caffeine per day is fine. I have a tall latte or iced Americano from Starbucks every morning which has around 150 mg.
How and when did you tell your friends and family? My sisters actually guessed that we were when we saw them the night we found out! We told our families over face time right away and told our friends as we saw them. We were pretty open about it early on because we wanted prayers and if something bad were to happen we would have wanted support. Every day I pray for those who are going through loss or infertility and for those who are pregnant that they have a healthy pregnancy and baby. We are extremely grateful for those of you who have reached out saying you are praying for us as well!
When did you start to notice a bump? At 11 weeks I wasn’t able to button my jeans and at 17 weeks I feel like I have a little bump. 🙂
What maternity clothes have you bought so far? For jeans I love the AG maternity jeans and the maternity Bellaband with my regular jeans. I just sized up in my favorite comfortable / stretchy leggings.
What is your current workout routine? I took it really easy in the first trimester. Now I’m doing yoga, walking outside and Peloton classes. These are exercises my OB approved – talk to your doctor to come up with an exercise plan that is right for you.
Have you changed your skincare routine? Yes! My OB said to avoid Salicylic Acid and Retinol. Two of my favorite products had Salicylic Acid. I stopped using these peel pads and this exfoliator, but will definitely go back to using them post pregnancy because I think they work really well. I am currently using this face wash, this body wash, this night serum (obsessed) and this stretch mark oil.
What did you do for the gender reveal party? Did you think you were having a girl? All we really cared about was a healthy baby! That being said, I 100% “knew” it was a boy lol. We had a boy name picked! Only my sister Kari knew the gender and she had a balloon made with pink confetti inside. We invited close friends and family over and it was really casual and fun. When Luke popped the balloon and pink confetti flew out I was in shock but we couldn’t have been happier! 🙂 We have always wanted a daughter! Several of our friends are expecting girls this year and we are really excited! Here is a full baby gender reveal party blog post.
Have you started on the nursery? See photos of the nursery here!